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Minggu, 25 September 2016

Chemical Micro Process Engineering

Chemical Micro Process Engineering
By:"Volker Hessel","Steffen Hardt","Holger Löwe"
Published on 2006-03-06 by John Wiley & Sons

More and more they become familiar, thereby being one facet of the upheaval in chemical industry. This book focuses on processes rather than on devices: what is 'before' and 'behind' micro device fabrication.


Micro process engineering is approaching both academia and industry. With the provision of micro devices and systems by commercial suppliers, one main barrier for using these units has been eliminated. More and more they become familiar, thereby being one facet of the upheaval in chemical industry. This book focuses on processes rather than on devices: what is 'before' and 'behind' micro device fabrication. A comprehensive and detailed overview is given on: - A multi-faceted, hierarchic analysis of chemical micro process technology - Modelling and simulation of micro reactors - Liquid- and liquid/liquid-phase reactions - Gas/liquid reactions - Gas-phase reactions (heterogeneous catalysis)

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword Engineering Modelling & Problem Solving.

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