Reliability Verification, Testing, and Analysis in Engineering Design
By:"Gary Wasserman"
"Technology & Engineering"
Published on 2002-11-27 by CRC Press
The book discusses modern design reliability principles, techniques, and terms, applications of Microsoft® Excel Tool Solver and Goal Seek nonlinear search procedures for developing Fisher matrices and likelihood ratio confidence intervals ...
Striking a balance between the use of computer-aided engineering practices and classical life testing, this reference expounds on current theory and methods for designing reliability tests and analyzing resultant data through various examples using Microsoft® Excel, MINITAB, WinSMITH, and ReliaSoft software across multiple industries. The book discusses modern design reliability principles, techniques, and terms, applications of Microsoft® Excel Tool Solver and Goal Seek nonlinear search procedures for developing Fisher matrices and likelihood ratio confidence intervals, and table generation on median ranks, beta-binomial bounds, and standard percents.
This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword Engineering Design.
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