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Jumat, 23 September 2016

Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs

Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs
By:"Zbigniew Michalewicz"
"Business & Economics"
Published on 1996-01-01 by Springer Science & Business Media

Genetic algorithms.


Genetic algorithms. GAs: what are they? GAs: how do they work? GAs: why do they work? GAs: selected topics. Numerical optimization. Binary or float? Fine local tuning. Handling constraints. Evolution strategies and other methods. Evolution programs. The transportation problem. The traveling salesman problem. Machine learning. Evolutionary programming and genetic programming. A hierarchy of evolution programs. Evolution programs and heuristics. Conclusions. Appendix.

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword Structures & Materials on mechanical engineering.

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