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Rabu, 21 September 2016

Engineering Design

Engineering Design
By:"Gerhard Pahl","W. Beitz","Jörg Feldhusen","Karl-Heinrich Grote"
"Technology & Engineering"
Published on 2007-08-06 by Springer Science & Business Media

The 3rd edition includes new material on project planning and scheduling. Anyone committed to understanding the design process should be familiar with the contents of this book.


This proven and internationally recognized text teaches the methods of engineering design as a condition of successful product development. It breaks down the design process into phases and then into distinct steps, each with its own working methods. The book provides more examples of product development; it also tightens the scientific bases of its design ideas with new solution fields in composite components, building methods, mechatronics and adaptronics. The economics of design and development are covered and electronic design process technology integrated into its methods. The book is sharply written and well-illustrated.

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword Engineering Design.

The book is written in enfor NOT_MATURE

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