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Rabu, 09 November 2016

Design of Machine Elements (3rd Edition)

Design of Machine Elements (3rd Edition)
By:"Shiwalkar B.D."

Published on 2010-01-01 by

Contents: 1.


Contents: 1. Stress Analysis. 2. Strain and Deflection Analysis. 3. Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 4. Design for Static and Fatigue Loading. 5. Screw Fasteners and Power Transmission Screws. 6. Riveted Welded Joints. 7. Pin Joints and Cotter Joints. 8. Fits, Tolerances, Press and Shrink Joints. 9. Mechanical Springs. 10. Cylinders, Heads and Cover Plates. 11. Wire, Ropes and Accessories. 12. Shafts, Keys and Splines. 13. Bearings with Sliding Contact. 14. Bearings with Rolling Contact. 15. Rotors and Flywheels. 16. Couplings and Positive Clutches. 17. Friction Clutches and Brakes. 18. Belt, Chain and Rope Drives. 19. Spur and Helical Gear Drives. 20. Worm and Bevel Gear Drives, Appendix, Design Data Tables.

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword Machine Element Design.

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