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Minggu, 06 November 2016

Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam

Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam
By:"Michael R. Lindeburg, PE"
Published on 2013 by www.ppi2pass.com

This book's time-tested organization and clear explanations start with the basics to help you quickly get up to speed on common mechanical engineering concepts.


Comprehensive Mechanical Engineering Coverage You Can Trust The Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual is the most comprehensive textbook for the Mechanical PE exam. This book's time-tested organization and clear explanations start with the basics to help you quickly get up to speed on common mechanical engineering concepts. Together, the 76 chapters provide an in-depth review of NCEES Mechanical PE exam topics. The extensive index contains thousands of terms, most indexed in a variety of ways, in anticipation of how you'll search for them. Features of the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual: over 120 appendices containing essential support material over 375 clarifying example problems thousands of equations, figures, and tables industry-standard terminology and nomenclature equal support of U.S. customary and SI units After you pass your exam, the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual will continue to serve as an invaluable reference throughout your mechanical engineering career. Topics Covered: Dynamics and Vibrations: Kinematics; Kinetics; Power Transmission Systems; Vibrating Systems Materials: Engineering Materials Properties and Testing; Thermal Treatment of Metals Fluids: Fluid Properties; Fluid Statics; Fluid Flow Parameters; Fluid Dynamics; Hydraulic Machines Power Cycles: Vapor, Combustion, and Nuclear Power Cycles; Refrigeration and Gas Compression Cycles HVAC: Psychrometrics; Fans, Ductwork, and Ventilation; Heating and Cooling Loads; Air Conditioning Systems Heat Transfer: Natural Convection; Evaporation; Condensation; Forced Convection; Radiation Machine Design: Basic and Advanced Machine Design; Pressure Vessels Thermodynamics: Inorganic Chemistry; Fuels and Combustion; Properties of Substances Control Systems: Modeling and Analysis of Engineering Systems Plant Engineering: Manufacturing Processes; Instrumentation and Measurements; Materials Handling and Processing; Fire Protection Systems; Environmental Pollutants and Remediation; Hazardous Material Storage and Disposal Fundamentals: Math Review; Probability; Statics; Engineering Economic Analysis Law and Ethics: Engineering Law; Ethics What's New in This Edition 36 chapters with new material, and 46 chapters with revisions to existing material 300 new equations, and 128 updated equations 27 new tables, and 31 updated tables 7 new examples, and 34 updated examples 10 new appendices, and 27 updated appendices 35 new figures, and 28 updated figures 1,094 new index entries, and 108 updated index entires

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword mechanical engineering.

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