If you are looking for the refferences for mechanical engineering, well you are coming to the right place. We have a lot of refferences regarding mechanical engineering on our website on ebooks. We have wide-range mechanical engineering ebooks that available in all level such as students, academicians, professionals or even the owner of small repair center who wants to upgrade or stay update about mechanical engineering. So you don't have to search it anywhere else anymore. Just check it out.

Kamis, 10 November 2016


By:"P. C. GOPE"
"Technology & Engineering"
Published on 2012-02-03 by PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Most of the methods of material designation are based on their chemical \u003cbr\u003e\ncomposition of main elements or on the basis of tensile or yield strength. ... What \u003cbr\u003e\nare the factors on which the choice of materials for \u003cb\u003emachine element design\u003c/b\u003e \u003cbr\u003e\ndepends?


This comprehensive text on principles and practice of mechanical design discusses the concepts, procedures, data, tools, and analytical methodologies needed to perform design calculations for the most frequently encountered mechanical elements such as shafts, gears, belt, rope and chain drives, bearings, springs, joints, couplings, brakes and clutches, flywheels, as well as design calculations of various IC engine parts. The book focuses on all aspects of design of machine elements including material selection and life or performance estimation under static, fatigue, impact and creep loading conditions. The book also introduces various engineering analysis tools such as MATLAB, AutoCAD, and Finite Element Methods with a view to optimizing the design. It also explains the fracture mechanics based design concept with many practical examples. Pedagogically strong, the book features an abundance of worked-out examples, case studies, chapter-end summaries, review questions as well as multiple choice questions which are all well designed to sharpen the learning and design skills of the students. This textbook is designed to appropriately serve the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students of mechanical engineering, agricultural engineering, and production and industrial engineering for a complete course in Machine Design (Papers I and II), fully conforming to the prescribed syllabi of all universities and institutes.

This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword Machine Element Design.

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