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Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Building Structures

Building Structures
By:"Malcolm Millais"
Published on 2005 by Taylor & Francis

This book provides a refreshing new approach to the subject of building structures which bridges the gap between concepts and calculations.


A thorough introduction to building for the non-expert, this book is a one-stop book reference source for knowing everything important about building structures. Readers: follow the history of structural understanding grasp all the concepts of structural behaviour via step by step explanations apply the concepts to a simple building see how the concepts also apply to real buildings from Durham Cathedral to the Bank of China use the concepts to define the design process see how the concepts inform design choices understand how engineering and architecture have diverged and what effect this has had learn to do simple but relevant numerical calculations for actual structures enter the world of structural theory and see how modern techniques are applied. With over 400 pages and over 1000 user-friendly diagrams, this book is a must for anyone who has to or would like to understand the fascinating world of structures.

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword Structures & Materials on mechanical engineering.

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