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Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

Project Management for Engineering Design

Project Management for Engineering Design
By:"Charles Lessard","Charles Stephen Lessard","Joseph Lessard","Joseph P. Lessard"
"Technology & Engineering"
Published on 2007 by Morgan & Claypool Publishers

The material in this book is intended primarily as an introduction to managing senior design projects for undergraduate engineering students during their junior or senior year; however, the text may be used by other young engineers working ...


The material in this book is intended primarily as an introduction to managing senior design projects for undergraduate engineering students during their junior or senior year; however, the text may be used by other young engineers working on development of commercial products. The text is aimed at having students gain knowledge and perhaps understand the management processes required to develop and produce a prototype system or device. Other goals are to have the students or young engineers learn not only by performing the design and project management processes, but also to learn about the various types of required project documents and management reports.

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword Engineering Design.

The book is written in enfor NOT_MATURE

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