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Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Mechanical Engineering Design

Mechanical Engineering Design
"Technology & Engineering"
Published on 2014-04-02 by PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Following a simple and easy to understand approach, the text contains: • Variety of illustrated design problems in detail • Step by step design procedures of different machine elements • Large number of machine design data Audience ...


This textbook is designed to serve as a text for undergraduate students of mechanical engineering. It covers fundamental principles, design methodologies and applications of machine elements. It helps students to learn to analyse and design basic machine elements in mechanical systems. Beginning with the basic concepts, the book discusses wide range of topics in design of mechanical elements. The emphasis is on the underlying concepts of design procedures. The inclusion of machine tool design makes the book very useful for the students of production engineering. Students will learn to design different types of elements used in the machine design process such as fasteners, shafts, couplings, etc. and will be able to design these elements for each application. Following a simple and easy to understand approach, the text contains: • Variety of illustrated design problems in detail • Step by step design procedures of different machine elements • Large number of machine design data Audience Undergraduate students of Mechanical Engineering.

This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword Machine Element Design.

The book is written in enfor NOT_MATURE

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