Basic Engineering Plasticity
By:"David Rees"
"Technology & Engineering"
Published on 2012-12-02 by Butterworth-Heinemann
Basic Engineering Plasticity delivers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the theories of plasticity.
Plasticity is concerned with understanding the behavior of metals and alloys when loaded beyond the elastic limit, whether as a result of being shaped or as they are employed for load bearing structures. Basic Engineering Plasticity delivers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the theories of plasticity. It draws upon numerical techniques and theoretical developments to support detailed examples of the application of plasticity theory. This blend of topics and supporting textbook features ensure that this introduction to the science of plasticity will be valuable for a wide range of mechanical and manufacturing engineering students and professionals. · Brings together the elements of the mechanics of plasticity most pertinent to engineers, at both the micro- and macro-levels · Covers the theory and application of topics such as Limit Analysis, Slip Line Field theory, Crystal Plasticity, Sheet and Bulk Metal Forming, as well as the use of Finite Element Analysis · Clear and well-organized with extensive worked engineering application examples, end of chapter exercises and a separate worked solutions manual
This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword Introduction to Engineering Design and Manufacturing.
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