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Selasa, 01 November 2016

Interest Rate Modelling

Interest Rate Modelling
By:"Jessica James","Nick Webber"
"Business & Economics"
Published on 2000-06-08 by Wiley

This book covers the latest developments in full, with descriptions and implementation techniques for all the major classes of interest rate models-both those actively used in practice as well as theoretical models still 'waiting in the ...


As interest rate markets continue to innovate and expand it is becoming increasingly important to remain up-to-date with the latest practical and theoretical developments. This book covers the latest developments in full, with descriptions and implementation techniques for all the major classes of interest rate models-both those actively used in practice as well as theoretical models still 'waiting in the wings'. Interest rate models, implementation methods and estimation issues are discussed at length by the authors as are important new developments such as kernel estimation techniques, economic based models, implied pricing methods and models on manifolds. Providing balanced coverage of both the practical use of models and the theory that underlies them, Interest Rate Modelling adopts an implementation orientation throughout, making it an ideal resource for both practitioners and researchers.

This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword Engineering Modelling & Problem Solving.

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